Spring Term Highlights

It has been a ridiculously long Spring Term, but I plead Not Guilty on this. The usual mathematical equations involving full moons and the Spring Equinox (so complicated it makes string theory look simple!) resulted in a very late Easter and hence school breaking up on 6th April compared to 24th March last year! Anyway, let’s take a look back at the highlights of the last term.


There have been a number of rugby and netball fixtures against St Bede’s, Heathfield and Chase Grammar at Under 9s and Under 11s, with mostly successes and a rugby tournament at Hallfield. Four teams of U9 and U10 boys and girl swimmers participated in the KES/KEHS gala, with some individual and relay wins, and overall the girls coming 2nd and the boys 3rd. We managed to put out a full complement of teams for the Hallfield Cross Country, which was a warm up for the Mayfield Cross Country meet, when nine schools took part on a sunny Friday afternoon! Our Boys’ U9s and U11s came 3rd, while all our runners did their best for the team. Well done Mrs Palmer for providing the home-baked cakes, Mrs Hart for scoring and the whole team for their help on the day, and a huge thank you to Mr Cook and Mrs Cook for their excellent coaching and for organising all the school’s sports events.

House Competitions

The House Netball and the House Rugby was won by Scott, while the House Cross Country was won and the House Merits Cup was won by Livingstone We have also enjoyed the Mayfield Pancake races, an Easter Bonnet parade and the inaugural Egg – a – chute, where Tuneesh, Serena, Teghan and Ryan were the stars.

Trips & Visits

Lower II, Form II and Upper II went to the ‘Big Bang Fair’ at the NEC; Upper II also participated in the Wrekin College Maths Challenge and visited Lichfield Cathedral school for a Science day; Mr James’ Chess team played brilliantly in the KES Challenge, with 4 players coming 3rd; the Upper II quiz team went to Aldridge for the World Book Day Quiz; last week, there was a practical, hands-on Problem solving Maths visit; Nursery and Pre-Nursery went to Sycamore Adventure; Form I have visited the Black Country museum; Nursery pupils have experienced many short excursions, including ‘taster’ sessions at Pizza Express and the Toby carvery; the NSPCC led assemblies to the whole school and safeguarding workshops for UII and LIII; Mr Khera from the local gurdwara taught the children a history of Sikhism, while Suki Kaur and her sons, Arjun and Paramvir, former Mayfield pupils, talked to the children about Vaisakhi and led a hymn on the tabla (drums) and harmonium; finally, we had two visits from Andi Markham of Kids UK.

Easter Service

Mayfield was again fortunate to have Reverend Sayimani from the United Reform Church lead this year’s Easter Service, which included a re-telling of the Easter story interspersed with hymns beautifully sung by our children. We shall be pleased to invite Reverend Sayimani back again next year.

PTA Fun Day

Many thanks to the parents and staff who made it such a great morning last Sunday. The cakes in the Great Bake Off were splendid, the egg-catching challenge was a hoot and we raised valuable funds for Blood Cancer.

Thank you to all the hardworking Staff and Governors, who have given their best to provide high standards of teaching and learning, both in school and during extra-curricular activities.

I wish everyone a Happy Easter and a great holiday!

Matthew Draper
