Mayfield Highlights 2016 – 2017


It has been a very busy few weeks and I sit in my study trying to catch my breath as I write this. Outside, the sun is shining on our glorious grounds and the happy sounds of Lower III playing cricket and rounders against their parents drift up to me on a refreshing breeze.


What a busy, exciting and fun-filled time we have enjoyed at Mayfield this year!  Here are some of the highlights:



Congratulations to all our pupils, who have won awards, certificates and trophies this year. It has been a tremendous year for external examinations. We are delighted with our pupils in LIII, who have worked very hard and gained places at a number of excellent Senior Schools in the West Midlands area. 79% of our pupils are taking up places at grammar or selective independent schools, with two scholarships offered. We are proud of our pupils in Form I and in Lower III who have again performed outstandingly in the national QCA SATs tests for 7 and 11 year olds. Their results have far surpassed national expectations once again, with 96% of our Lower III pupils achieving the national standard, or working at greater depth, compared to 61% nationally. Full details will be given to you in September.



The drama performance, Bugsy Malone, by Lower III at the end of term was awesome! Congratulations to the pupils, Mrs Andrews and all the staff for a wonderful night of entertainment. Well done also to the winners of the Speech Festival: Transition, Kimran and Simmi. The Music Concert at the Central Hall was a wonderful experience, showing off our pupils’ musical prowess, while today Sahana triumphed with her incredible dancing at ‘Mayfield’s Got Talent’, with Livingstone again the winning House.



As ever, we are extremely grateful to the hardworking members of the PTA, Staff and particularly Mrs Higgins for organising such a successful ‘Mayfield Mela’. It was an amazing day last Saturday, full of stunning performances from guest bands and dance acts, DJs, Blue Coat pupils, and our very own choir. Thanks to the lottery grant obtained by Mrs Higgins, and everybody’s hard work, it was a day to remember!


Trips & Visits

Lower III pupils had a particularly enjoyable residential trip at t Manor Adventure in Shropshire. Meanwhile, Transition to Upper II had a great day out on the Severn Valley steam railway and at the West Midlands Safari Park. Nursery and Kindergarten enjoyed a great day out at Sycamore Adventure.


House Competitions

As usual the house competitions have been enthusiastically contested. Each House has enjoyed success in more than one of the epic struggles to attain the ascendancy. The Lower School Sports Day was won by Scott, while the Upper School Sports Day was won by Livingstone. They were superbly organised by our new Head of sport, Mrs Pittaway. The overall winner of the House Cup was Livingstone. Well done to all the children for being competitive, but always sporting.


All of these wonderful things are only possible because of the energy, commitment and enthusiasm of the dedicated, hardworking and highly professional Staff, who have given their best to provide high standards of teaching and learning, both in school and during extra-curricular activities.


Have a lovely summer break everyone and I look forward to seeing you in September.


Matthew Draper, Headmaster