
Mayfield celebrated the festival of Diwali on Friday 10th November. Pupils dressed up in their bright home clothes or traditional outfits. At the start of the day, Anika and Sara from LII performed a lively dance during assembly. For the rest of the day, classes completed a Diwali dance workshop and various activities in class. The dance workshop taught traditional Indian dance moves to the story of Rama and Sita. In class, pupils made Diva lamps, Rangoli patterns, Mendi hand patterns, and decorated elephants. Happy Diwali!

Sports Days 2023

Last week, Mayfield held its annual sports days for both Lower and Upper School. The weather held out on both occasions until a light drizzle made the tug of war in Upper School a little slippery but the pupils soldiered through and managed to finish with a smile on their faces! The overall winners for Lower School junior house cup were Nightingale House and our Games Captains held the house trophy up high with pride. Livingstone was the overall winner for Upper School senior house cup and likewise, their Games Captains were overjoyed and enjoyed their lap of honour with their house team. For the Lower III trophies, the sprint champion girl was: Esther, and the long-distance champion girl was Aila. Alexander won the sprint boys and Mustafa the long-distance boys. Sienna won the Victrix Ludorum cup for the girls and Alexander and Mustafa were joint winners of the boy’s Victor Ludorum cup. Well done to all the staff who helped and organised the events, especially, Mrs Pittaway, our Head of PE, to pupils for their respect and resilience when taking part, and to the parents who came to watch for both glorious events.

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Tennis Superstars!

Congratulations to our Form II Tennis stars! They have been successful in their Level 2 local area competition and will represent the borough at this year’s Black Country School Games in Tennis. Good luck for the level 3 Tennis Championships on Tuesday 23rd May! See attached letter outlining the event. We are so proud of them, as it is our first time qualifying for a level 3 event!

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Coronation Celebrations

On Friday 5th May, Mayfield celebrated the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. There was bunting, music, crowns and everyone was wearing red, white and blue to represent the colours of the Union Flag. The courtyard was a party atmosphere with rows of tables and chairs for everyone to celebrate with a traditional street party. Pupils and staff ate sandwiches and cake whilst listening to a coronation playlist of hits, which led to an outbreak of spontaneous dancing, with the culmination being pupils singing Our Coronation Song, led by Mrs Gerighty and finally the national anthem. Pupils have being taking part in a variety of activities all week to celebrate the coronation. Pre-Nursery and Nursery, Kindergarten, Transition and Form I made crowns and then paraded them in front of the rest of the school in Friday’s award assembly. Mrs Hatton judged the winning crowns and the winners received a coronation story book each. Upper School have entered the design a stamp competition and these were displayed in the hall for all to see (winning results are to follow). Thank you to Mrs Guest, Humanities lead, for organising the day and to all of the staff, parents and pupils for making this historical moment one to remember.

Welcome back to Mayfield at the start of the Summer Term

Welcome back to Mayfield at the start of the Summer Term. Please read further below a message from the Headmaster at the start of term.

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End of Spring Term Mayfield Magazine 2023

Please enjoy the highlights of the Spring Term in the latest edition of the Mayfield Magazine. Enjoy a lovely Easter Break.

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British Science Week

British Science week took place at Mayfield with enthusiasm and creativity. The theme this year was ‘Connections’. Every class took part in Science activities involving the theme. Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Kindergarten went on a trip to the farm to explore the connections between animals and our world. Kindergarten also enjoyed connecting the animal faces together as part of the topic. Transition and Upper II had a go at bridge building and explored the connection between weight and strength. Lower II investigated vibrations when building a seismometer. Form I  observed the lifecycles of a butterfly and frog – which have the theme of connections and wrote explanation texts involving colours including chromatography, travelling food colours and fruity sweets. Form II were crime detectives for the day and had a go at fingerprinting their own fingerprints to explore the connections between them! Finally, Lower III were thinking like Victorians to solve a range of problems using techniques from the era!  Due to the bad weather, the VR animal workshop was postponed, but took place the following week and was enjoyed by all! Well done to all who entered the poster competition. Voting was held after school and throughout the next day where pupils, parents and staff could vote on their favourite posters and a winner was chosen from each age category with a joint winner in the Upper II/Lower III category. The winners were: William from Kindergarten, Esha from Form I, Jiya from LII and Reet and Karram from Upper II. There posters have been uploaded to the British Science Week competition website and we await the final results! Good luck!

Springtime snow at Mayfield!

The children are delighted to discover a winter wonderland looking like Narnia when they arrive at school but it’s business as usual and Mayfield is open in the springtime snow!

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day was celebrated by all at Mayfield with great enthusiasm, from dressing up as our favourite book characters to lots of reading taking place throughout the school all day! The effort taken by staff and pupils with their costumes was very impressive and the winners from each class were announced in assembly on Friday, where they each received a chocolate Easter egg! To start the day each class from upper school visited a class from lower down the school and shared their favourite books. There were a variety of reading activities taking place in each class and there was even some use of technology in Lower II, who made talking book reviews using the I-pads. Pupils were treated to a performance of Matilda by the Street Katz group and were amazed by their teamwork and slick acting skills. Everyone was on the look out for The Big Bad Wolf (A.K.A Mr Draper), who was trying to catch those three pigs! Finally, the generosity of our Mayfield family towards our tuck shop has now raised over one thousand pounds for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria! Thank you all so much for your donations. We have used the money to buy sleeping bags, mats and food parcels.

Number Day

Happy Number Day! Mayfield has celebrated Number Day in style and raised lots of money for the NSPCC. There were lots of pupils and staff wearing numbers today. In Mathematics lessons and other subjects there were number related activities. Nursery enjoyed number activities in their areas of provision. Kindergarten completed number activities outside and in with some creative work. Transition joined in with number activities in Mathematics and Form I completed the number of the day challenge. Lower II and Form II cracked the code to reveal a poster. Upper II and Lower also had number challenges and enjoyed showing off their ‘Number’ outfits. Prizes were given to the most creative costumes and pupils partook in the TTRock Stars times tables competition online. Finally, a tuck shop provided by Livingstone house was a success and helped with the fund raising. Well done all and thank you to Mrs Marston for organising the day!